
Start using PAVEXpress now!

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The PAVEInstruct learning module is a web-based pavement design education system with video instruction by leading industry experts. PAVEInstruct accompanies PAVEXpress, a web-based software created to design flexible and rigid pavements using AASHTO 93/98. The education modules within PAVEInstruct correlate with the design modules in PAVEXpress and provide technically sound pavement design and instruction.

What do you find most beneficial about PAVEXpress?

Fast results saving me a lot of time.
Fast results saving me a lot of time.
Simplicity….the interface!
Simpliciity….the interface!
Easy to design new roadways for local projects.
Easy to design new roadways for local projects.
It is equivalent to Darwin.
It is equivalent to Darwin.
It’s easy to understand and mathematically accurate.
It’s easy to understand and mathematically accurate
Quick assembly of data allows multiple analyses.
Quick assembly of data allows multiple analyses.
The ability to switch easily between flexible and rigid pavement designs.
The ability to switch easily between flexible and rigid pavement designs.
(In a survey asked of PAVEXpress users in May 2018)